Vitiligo Treatment
This is a long term skin condition, if you are affected by the disease, your skin will start to lose pigment. It is one of those diseases that has genetic predilection.
The disease is not curable, but it is definitely manageable when you consult the right specialists. Walk into Garekars M.D. Dermatology Clinic, for the best Vitiligo treatment in Gurgaon.
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About Vitiligo
What is vitiligo?Vitiligo is a disease in which skin starts showing absence of normal pigment and starts turning white. It can start at any age and follows an unpredictable course. The disease can involve a few patches of skin and could also extend to involve large surface area as well. In some cases it can stay stable for years.
Why does it occur?
Vitiligo occurs because of absence of pigment producing cells called as melanocytes. The reason for this absence is not exactly known. However, the most widely held belief is that it is an autoimmune condition in which the immune cells of the body start destroying the pigment forming cells.
It is not a contagious disease.
Is vitiligo genetically transmitted?Yes, but not in all cases. It is not a rule that a child of a vitiligo patient will also suffer from the same disease.
How does the skin of a patient look like?Vitiligo consists of white patches of skin that have very well defined edges. The skin does not have any other symptoms like redness or itching. The hair in involved areas usually also turn white.
How is vitiligo diagnosed?The diagnosis of vitiligo is usually made by a dermatologist based on clinical examination. A skin biopsy may be done in a few cases.
Is vitiligo contagious?No, vitiligo is not a contagious disease. It is an autoimmune disease that can develop in anyone (particularly those already suffering from another autoimmune disease), however it cannot be spread from one person to another through contact, air, water, or sexual activity. Additionally, if you are wondering is vitiligo dangerous, you should rest assured knowing that it’s not.
Is there a permanent cure for vitiligo?
There are various treatment options depending upon various factors like age, severity, duration and extent of the disease.
Steroids: Steroid creams form an important part of the treatment regimen. They can lead to re-pigmentation and also help in achieving disease control.
Other creams: Tacrolimus, Pimecrolimus, Calcipotriol, can also be used without the long term side effects of steroids.
Phototherapy: UVA and UVB are the two types of Ultraviolet Therapies available for treatment of Vitiligo. These are useful in cases of extensive disease. Topical creams can be continued along with phototherapy. The therapy is done in clinic 2-3 times a week.
At Garekars MD, NBUVB is used for treatment of Vitiligo.
Surgery: Surgery is used in cases where no new areas of pigment loss have been observed for a long period of time. Skin grafting, punch grafting, melanocyte transfer etc are a few surgical modalities available today.